Pam Killeen

Fullscript CANADA

Recommended Practitioner-Grade Supplements for purchase within Canada

Click on any of the Buy Direct buttons on this page to set up your account and have professional grade supplements delivered right to your door.

Through my Fullscript online account, you will get a 10% discount on professional-grade vitamins and supplements.

Please remember master your circadian protoocol before you start raiding the supplement sections! In my member community, the Sleep Better Forum, let’s work together to nail down that routine first. In our chats, we’ll dive into the implementation of circadian strategies like sky gazing, utilizing blue light blockers, grounding, and cold thermogenesis. Additionally, we’ll explore the effectiveness of various supplement stacks, deciphering what works and what doesn’t.

My mission? To help you get well as fast as possible for the least cost possible!

For those who prefer to purchase practitioner-grade supplements, feel free to click on the Fullscript links provided below. For those who are on a tighter budget, I have more affordable supplements on the next page.

With every purchase made through my site, you’re not only supporting my efforts, but also contributing to our collective journey towards prioritizing self-care over conventional health care. Thank you for being a part of this transformative movement!

Check back often as I will be updating my supplement recommendations on an ongoing basis.

Vitamin D3 and K2

Digestive Support


Colon Cleansing

Immune Support


Work With Pam

Are you ready to take control of your sleep and transform your life?

Join Pam Killeen Health and Wellness Programs today and embark on a journey to better sleep and greater well-being.
If you have any questions, would like to order a lab test or want to join our community, please contact us to schedule a free 15-minute discovery call.